Campus Cash is $ you can add to your U Card so you can make purchases using your U Card. Once value has been added, Campus Cash can be used to pay for printing, dining services and chemistry breakage fees. The Campus Cash Account is the University of Minnesota Duluth declining balance account on the U Card - it is not a bank account.
- You must have money in your account in order to spend it, you cannot overdraft/go negative. You can store up to $1000 in your Campus Cash account.
- You do not need to sign up for your Campus Cash account. It is already available on your U Card.
- Campus Cash is not just for students, staff and faculty can use it too!
- You may not withdraw money from your Campus Cash account until you leave the University and it does not transfer between University of Minnesota system campuses.
Inactivity fees will occur after 12 months of inactivity on your Campus Cash Account. Inactivity fees will never be larger than the balance you have in your Campus Cash account, meaning that you will no longer be charged once your account balance reaches $0.
Where to Use Campus Cash
- All Campus Dining Service Locations
- Career Services
- Chemistry Department
- Printing: Photocopying, printing & faxing
- UMD Print Shop
- UMD Stores