Sponsored U Cards

U Card with Champ the Bulldog in place of a student photo

If you have Affiliated Academic Staff, Affiliated Staff, Affiliated Students or Visiting Students and you would like them to obtain a U Card, University Departments may complete a Sponsored Internet Account and Services form to request.

  • It may take up to 48 hours for your sponsored account to become active in the U Card system. After 24 hours you may call our office at 612-626-9900 to ask for the status of your Sponsored Account. Please have the sponsored staff or student's first, last name and Internet ID available.
  • Note: Sponsored accounts do not have staff or student ID #s so one will not print on their U Card.

Sponsored Accounts vs. Temporary Access Card

Differences between sponsored account U Cards and temporary access cards.
FeatureSponsored U CardsTemporary Access Cards
Photo and Name on CardYesNo (Not compliant as Health Sciences ID)
Mag Stripe for Reader AccessYesYes
iClass Chip for Proximity Reader AccessYesYes
Door Access Assigned by DFRYesYes
General Door Clearance AddedNoNo
Departments Can Re-Issue to OthersNoYes